Annette KARENZI is a Business Development Consulting partner with Aims Capital
Associates Firm. Annette holds a Master’s degree in Sustainable International
Development from Brandeis University, USA. Also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in
Public Administration (BA) from University of Pretoria, South Africa and a
certificate in Business management the Institute of Economic Empowerment for
Women (USA, Oklahoma).
Mrs Karenzi has a passion for private sector development. She run her own private
businesses for over 10 years before joining the Government as a Director
General in charge of Industry and SMEs in the Ministry Trade and Industry. She
has experience in building public private partnerships aimed at developing
workable polices for the private sector growth.During her tenure as Director
General in the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Annette spearheaded the “Made in
Rwanda” policy and campaign.A strategic initiative to boost local industries,
increase exports and improve the Country’s Locally manufactured products competitiveness
in the EAC region and beyond.The campaign involved holding major stakeholder
consultations and consensus building.These included consultations with the
legislative branch of government in setting up the required legal framework for
the new policy initiatives.
Karenzi worked with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) as a
Coordinator for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) pilot project in
Rwanda. As a development practitioner, she has experience in coordinating
income generating projects, resource mobilization, community mobilization,
project development, planning/programming and management. Annette has skills in
proposal writing, advocacy/marketing and networking for strategic partnerships.
Annette Karenzi served as one of Rwanda’s diplomats to
South African for 5 years, actively engaged in mobilizing investors for Rwanda
as well as fundraising for orphans of 1994 genocide against Tutsi. She was
among the core team tasked with setting up the Rwanda National Unity and
Reconciliation Commission. In her spare time, Annette loves to read, travel,
hosting and entertaining guests.
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